Federpreziosi – Italian Federation of Goldsmith Jewelers Silversmiths and Watchmakers – Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia is a team of motivated entrepreneurs aware of the need to develop shared programs to support the enhancement of their professionalism and activity with that compactness and determination that are essential in developing relationships both within the category and with institutions. These results can be obtained through services, rules and even ideas, in a market where – thanks to a continuous proliferation of legislative, tax and administrative initiatives – action is increasingly required to protect and represent the requests of associated companies.
And this not only towards public and private institutions, but also towards national and international political, social, economic and trade union organizations.
Federpreziosi safeguards the interests of its members through the development and provision of services in legal, tax, technical-economic matters and for everything related to the development and performance of the activity.
Federpreziosi is a meeting place for companies in the sector to discuss, find answers to the daily problems of the sector, organize actions to protect the category.
Through Federpreziosi every entrepreneur feels an integral part of an advanced representation system, able to satisfy every request in terms of safeguarding.
Federpreziosi was born on June 20, 2012 from the evolution of Federdettaglianti – Italian Federation of Goldsmith Retailers, Jewelers, Silversmiths, Watchmakers – founded in 1953. It is an integral part of the Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia system, the Italian General Confederation of Enterprises, Professional Activities and Self-Employment, the largest company representation in Italy, associating over 700,000 companies.
Through the territorial system of Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia, Federpreziosi groups around 8000 goldsmith companies including retailers, wholesalers, sale representatives, precious stone dealers, craftsmen and manufacturers. Federpreziosi carries out protection actions making himself the spokesperson for the institutions and the interests of the associated entrepreneurs which he represents: hearings at the parliamentary committees, interventions in the working groups of the ministries, participation in the ministerial comparison tables, support to the local associations and to the individual companies providing an information and assistance service on all management aspects of corporate life, while promoting collaboration intended as an exchange of experiences between member companies. The objective of Federpreziosi is to make relationships with its associates and institutions contant and consolidate them in the medium and long term, acting as a link between these two foundamental stakeholders.
Federpreziosi may join trade unions or associations representing the goldsmith-silversmith-watchmaker sector operating in the provincial or regional area set up within the local organizations affiliated to Confcommercio, autonomous associations, individual operators carrying out activities where there is no union or in the case in which this is not a member of Federpreziosi. Even Bodies and Institutions that share its philosophy and purposes have the opportunity to associate according to methods and conditions approved by the Board.
As a political subject oriented to the development of the companies represented, Federpreziosi has the purpose to protect and enhance the trade union, economic, legal, tax interests of the categories and of the Members as the ones, in the values of the market and competition, of the social responsibility of the business activities and services rendered to citizens, consumers and users.
Within the framework of the federal initiatives, those aimed at transparency of the gold sector for a correct and clear relationship, as well as with the institutions, with the promotion and exhibition bodies, with the final consumer, as well as with training and information activities aimed at the development of the sector’s competitiveness within the general development framework of Italian entrepreneurship.
With a view to business globalization, it is important to underline Federpreziosi membership in CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation.
Significant is the over ten-year collaboration with an internationally renowned trade fair body such as Fiera di Vicenza, now the Italian Exhibition Group.
In addition to professional updating, Federpreziosi includes among its aims the enhancement of the cultural aspect trough meetings, analyses and certified market researches, among which the Observatory on jewellery market trends carried out in partnership with Format Research and collaboration, among others, with IGI-Italian Gemological Institute and with Assocoral-Association of Coral and Cameos Producers in Torre del Greco.